I definitely CAN share ports inside Cubase. (selecting the CTRLR midi out will cause an error openDevice hardware failed if it is also selcted in ableton midi preferences)) RME Fireface midi: does not support multiclient. Midiman midisport 2X2: supports multiclient (selecting the midi out in ableton preferences as in the plugin) The DAW and the Ctrlr plugin won’t ever be able to use both the same port.Īs I have no multi client midi interface I can’t test it by myself, but this contradicts this post: To my knowledge when you talk about the plugin version of Ctrlr it does not matter if you have a multiclient capable midi interface. If I’m doing something wrong I really don’t know what it is! Please heeeeeeelp!!!!!! The only documentation I can find here relates to standalone, but I have that side of things working – and it goes into detail about creating my own panels, which I won’t be doing. I’ve run both 5.4.11 and 5.5.2 (I managed to suss the broken display parameters myself with a bit of trial and error), but neither works. Needless to say that I’ve played with every option I can find, all to no avail. I can play the synth, but none of the panel’s controls do anything. I have one Cubase Instrument Track set as Ctrlr with my controller keyboard set as input, and a second MIDI Track set to take the output from the Ctrlr track as input and my MKS-80 as output. I can move all the controls, but they generate absolutely no MIDI data to the synth. This is allowed (no errors), and my controller keyboard is passed through such that I can play the synth, but I can’t get anything to come from the Panel’s controls.

So I try to set Ctrlr to simply pass host input to host output. I’m guessing this is because the ports are assigned to Cubase, so Ctrlr isn’t allowed access to them. No matter what I do to create the input and output MIDI ports I get a ‘cannot open’ error.

Then I use Ctrlr as a plug-in inside Cubase 9.5… I assign the input and output MIDI ports, so that my controller keyboard can play the MKS-80 and the panel’s controls work as they should. In standalone I can get Ctrlr working just fine. I’m using the MKS-80 panel as a relatively ‘simple’ example (though I don’t understand why it has to be set to ‘0’ to control MIDI Channel 1, but let’s leave that…)

If I’m doing something dumb then feel free to tell me! Over the last few months I’ve again and again tried to get Ctrlr working in Cubase, but to no avail.